Master of Science in Cybersecurity

Master of Science in Cybersecurity

Accepting Applications for Fall 2025!

网络安全作为一项教育任务的重要性每年都在增长. Cyber attacks on individuals, 组织和关键基础设施的报告越来越频繁和紧迫, as companies, 组织和政府不知疲倦地工作,以尽量减少公共和私营部门数据泄露造成的损害. Cybersecurity is one of today's fastest growing occupations.

Whether you are a working professional or a student, esball国际平台客户端的新网络安全科学硕士为您进入这个重要且不断发展的领域做好了准备,并对网络安全防御策略有了深入的了解. 

我们让学生熟悉攻击者部署的进攻技术的发展趋势以及相应的防御演变, 让学生获得使用网络安全工具的实用技能.

The cybersecurity program is extremely flexible. It can be completed in person or online. We offer thesis and non-thesis options, too. 

非论文选项要求学生完成一个网络安全项目和额外的课程. 论文选项要求学生成功完成并答辩, in front of a faculty committee, original cybersecurity research.

esball国际平台客户端的网络安全理学硕士是计算机科学与电气和计算机工程系的联合项目, 由两个系的教师组成的委员会领导他们在网络安全领域做研究和教学. 

Why Earn an MS in Cybersecurity From Clarkson University?

esball国际平台客户端的网络安全硕士学位可以为学生在网络安全领域的职业生涯或博士课程做好准备. 工作机会从网络安全分析师到网络安全工程师再到首席信息安全官.

esball国际平台客户端的计算机科学、电气和计算机工程学院是国际公认的, 在网络安全领域有显著的教学和研究经验. 

我们的课程让您沉浸在最新的创新和策略中. Coursework is experiential, 你在课堂上和自己的研究中学到的东西可以应用于当今行业面临的最复杂的挑战. 

We keep our class sizes small, 所以我们优秀的教师可以为你提供个性化的指导,帮助你实现你的目标. 你还可以利用esball国际平台客户端广泛而活跃的校友网络.

What You'll Learn

Students who complete their degree will:

  • 对网络安全防御策略(包括预防策略)有深入的了解, detection, recovery and response.
  • 熟悉攻击者进攻技术的演变趋势,以及反击攻击者所必需的防御策略的相应演变.
  • 获得使用网络安全工具的实用技能,重点是防御技术.


The semester-based program has a thesis option and non-thesis option. Four core courses are the same for both options:

CS557/EE510 Computer and Network Security
CS556 Cryptography
CS555/EE507 Computer Networks
One security-related 600-level CS course

The CS 600-level courses have a research component. 它们包括一个研究项目(由导师自行决定的个人或小组), or the reading and discussion of research papers, or both. 将这门课程纳入核心必修课是我们项目的一个显著特点. 

4 core courses (12 credits)
2 security-related electives (6 credits)
2 credits of seminar (CS707, 708)
A thesis based on cybersecurity research (1-10 credits)
Professional electives (as needed, to bring total to 30 credits)

论文选项需要基于网络安全研究的书面论文. 论文将由esball国际平台客户端学院的一个委员会审查,必须向该委员会口头辩护. 



4 core courses (12 credits)
4 security-related electives (12 credits)
A cybersecurity project (0-6 credits)
Professional electives (as needed, to bring total to 30 credits)

非论文选项需要一个网络安全项目,可以是一个独立的项目,完成课程学分. 它也可以是作为安全相关课程的一部分完成的项目,或者是为实习或全职工作完成的项目. 

Every project must be approved in advance by the program committee. After the project is completed, a written report will be examined by the program committee, or by a faculty member designated by the program committee.


The MS in Cybersecurity will launch in Fall 2025.

A completed application consists of the following:

  • Online Application Form.
  • Résumé.
  • Statement of purpose.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • Official transcripts.
  • GRE test scores.
    • Required. Waivers will be considered.
  • 对于国际申请者,需要英语水平测试.
    • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5), IELTS (6.5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).
    • 英语语言测试要求不会因教学语言而被免除, nor do we accept university certificates. 如果申请人在英语为母语的国家获得学位,则免除英语测试. Click here to see the list of these countries.

申请人通常需要拥有计算机科学专业的本科学位, computer engineering or software engineering. 

At a minimum, 申请人必须完成两门计算机程序设计课程, one course covering computer organization topics, and a mathematics course with an emphasis on proofs.

计算机科学系的教职员工在广泛的领域进行研究, spanning the fields of theory, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, software, systems and networks. 每个教员的研究领域和专业知识的简要细节可以找到 here. Complete details can be found by visiting individual faculty pages.

Career Possibilities

在当今的数字环境中,网络安全在所有部门的重要性都在不断增长. With a projected job growth rate of 32 percent在美国,网络安全专业人员的需求量很大,而且在可预见的未来仍将如此. 适用于有计算机科学或软件工程背景的人, a career in cybersecurity can be an exciting, rewarding and impactful career path.

  • STEM OPT Eligible

  • Online or In-Person Delivery

Request Info


Contact Us

Computer Science Department
Phone: 315-268-2395
Fax: 315-268-2371 

99% Placement Rate - 2023 Graduate School Overall